Is Jesus the Almighty God? If you ask a Jehovah’s
Witnesses this question the answer you get will surely be a dogmatic,
NO! The Watchtower teaches that the true Almighty God is the Father,
Jehovah, and His son is Jesus Christ. While Christians do believe that
the Father is Almighty God, can we be sure that the Watchtower is
correct in calling Jesus just “a god”, a being who is inferior to the
Father? Let’s see.
“The title ho theos [the God, or God], which now
designates the Father as a personal reality, is not applied in the N[ew]
T[estament] to Jesus Himself; Jesus is the Son of God (of ho
July 1, 1986, p. 31 (footnote)
The Watchtower teaches here that the Greek words, “ho
theos”, which mean, “the God”, apply only to Jehovah God and are not
used in the New Testament when speaking of Jesus. The absence of these
words indicate, according to the Society, that Jesus cannot be the
Almighty God.
The Greek Scriptures
Let’s take a look at the Watchtower’s own Kingdom
Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures. This is a tool
published by the Society that has the English New World Translation
and the Greek text on the same page for comparison. In here we can
see if the Greek words, “ho theos”, are applied to Jesus.
John chapter 20, doubting Thomas had just witnessed and believed on the
victorious, resurrected Lord Himself. In verse 28, a very blown-away
Thomas triumphantly addressed Jesus saying,
Lord and my God”.
we look at the Greek words, we see that Thomas actually said,
“The Lord of me and the God of me!”,
“The Lord of me and ho theos of me”.
So, Thomas had no problem calling Jesus a title that the
Watchtower says belongs to only Jehovah God. Was Thomas wrong in calling
Jesus “the God”, or was he, as the Watchtower teaches, saying something
similar to, “Oh my God!”, as we painfully hear so often today? One thing
is sure, if Thomas was way off base in his declaration, Jesus never
corrected him for it or rebuked him for using the name God in vain.
Matthew chapter 1, verse 23, it says that,
virgin will become pregnant and will give birth to a son, and they will
call his name Immanuel, which means when translated, “With us is God”.
If we look at the Greek section in the Interlinear we see
that the word Immanuel means,
“With us the God”.
Again, in Greek,
“With us ho theos”.
again, Jesus is given the title that, according to the Watchtower, is
reserved for Jehovah only.
Why has the Watchtower said that Jesus can’t be God
because the words “ho theos” are not applied to Him when, in fact, there
are 2 obvious places in the New Testament where Jesus is called “the
God”? Why does the Watchtower want to obscure the real identity of Jesus
The Testimony of Christians
What does all this mean to Christians? Do they believe that Jesus is the
Father? No! Please understand that Bible Christians do not believe that
Jesus and the Father are the same person. The doctrine that teaches that
the Father and the Son are the same person is an old heresy called
Modalism that is defined in The Watchtower, May 15, 2002, page
30, as believing that,
“....God revealed himself ‘as the Father in Creation and in the giving
of the law, as the Son in Jesus Christ, and as the Holy Spirit after
Christ‘s ascension‘ “.
Christians agree that Jesus is a separate person from the Father, but
believe that Jesus shares the same nature as His Father, making Him
equal to God.
Even the Jews of Jesus’ day knew exactly what Jesus meant by calling
Himself the Son of God. In John 5:18, the apostle writes,
this account, indeed, the Jews began seeking all the more to kill him,
because not only was he breaking the Sabbath but he was also calling God
his own Father, making himself equal to God”.
Are you sure that the WT is teaching you the correct
identity of Jesus Christ? You can have everything else right but if
you’re wrong about who Jesus is, you’re wrong for all eternity. Will you
let an organization who has concealed information from you teach you
about Jesus, or will you let the Holy Spirit teach you personally
through God’s Word? Jesus did say that when the Holy Spirit comes, He
will bear witness about me. (John 15:26)
Tower To Truth Ministries
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