Jesus of the Watchtower
(2004) from Test all Things Radio Show by Fran Sankey. An
in-depth study of the Jesus of the Watchtower contrasted with the Jesus
of the Bible.
“Should You
Believe in the Trinity?" (2010)
from Test all
Things Radio Show by Fran Sankey.
Exposing the Watchtower's main anti-Trinity booklet. Printed format
“JWs & Blood Transfusions?” (2009)
Test all Things Radio Show by Fran Sankey.
Listen as former
Jehovah’s Witness, Ruth Baker, shares her personal experience in losing
a son due to the Watchtower’s ban on blood transfusions. Also, why don’t
JWs allow blood transfusions? What Bible verses prove it’s wrong? Has
the Society ever reversed a ban on medical treatment before?
“Is That You, Lord?” (2008)
from Test all Things Radio Show by Fran Sankey. An in-depth study, with
Tom McGovern, of the resurrection of Jesus Christ according to the
Jehovah’s Witnesses. Was Jesus raised as an invisible spirit? What
happened to His body? Why didn’t His disciples recognize Him? Can flesh
& blood inherit God’s Kingdom?
“Jehovah’s Witnesses- a non-Prophet Organization”
from Test all Things
Radio Show by Fran Sankey. What is a prophet? Does the Watchtower claim
to be God’s prophet? Has it made predictions of future events? What was
the outcome?
“Darkness in the Watchtower” (2007) from Test all Things Radio Show by Fran Sankey. An
interview with former Jehovah’s Witness, Tom McGovern. Find out how the
occult has influenced Watchtower doctrine for many years. Topics include
phrenology, astrology, communication with the dead, spirit mediums and
Tom McGovern
"Jehovah's Witnesses at Your Door!" (2006)
What is that "magic-bullet" when you witnesses to JWs? Tom has some
excellent insight into the mind of a Witness and shares some great
methods to use to make your witness more effective.
The New World
(2006) from Test all Things Radio Show by Fran Sankey. A
study of 8 key New Testament scriptures regarding the person of Jesus
Christ, hell and salvation. Answers the question: Is the NWT an honest
translation of the Greek text?
"From JWs to Jesus!" (2005)
from Test all Things Radio Show by
Fran Sankey. An in-depth and personal interview with 30 year
ex-Jehovah's Witness, Tom McGovern. Learn the truth about the Watchtower
Society from the inside out.
Answering Jehovah's
Witnesses Concerning Christ (2005) from Test all Things
Radio Show by Fran Sankey. How do I respond to the JWs when they say
that Jesus is the first-created being by Jehovah? How can Jesus be equal
to God yet say 'My Father is greater than I am'? Find out how to answer
JW attacks on the Deity of Christ.
The Mullins Family
(1993) - Representing 4 generations of Jehovah’s
Witnesses, each family member shares their personal story of their exit
from the Watchtower and the new life they now have in Jesus.
Bill & Laura Althaus
(1996) - “Abandoned.... Adopted!” Growing up fearing God as a
child and later being disfellowshipped, Laura & Bill began deeply
researching the Society and came to realize that it wasn’t Jehovah's
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